MTM Clinic
​Online Clinic focusing on Medication Therapy Management
Services and Cost

We provide a variety of services including:
​At Medication Therapy Management at Mankato, we are committed to patient-centered medication care to provide our customers high quality services personalized for their unique needs. 

We provide a variety of services including:

Comprehensive Medication Review (CMR)
Complete medication list review, including prescription, herbal, and over-the-counter medications. This will help the client to understand the medication’s indication, dose, method and time of administration, and potential drug-drug and drug-disease interactions, as well as adverse side effects. 

​Individualized medication-related action plan (MAP)
The medication-related issue action plan will help the client be aware of her/his medication-related problems and will list the ways to follow-up, monitoring potential problems by themselves.

Update master medication list
Updating medication list which will allow the patient's updated regimen to be shared with other health care providers. This is particularly useful for patients who have multiple doctors and multiple pharmacies. The list will also provide past medication allergy information as well as past medication usage information.

Long term follow-up
Quarterly or more frequently follow-up with client for adjustment and amendment of the action plan based on patient’s current medical condition.

Other Services

Education for drug-related issues for patients and their caregivers, such as for diabetes, asthma, hypertension, female medication, prostate hyperplasia, gastroesophageal reflux, constipation, blood thinner medication, etc. 

Screening for early signs and symptoms of hypertension, diabetes, and dementia.
Screening for fall-triggering medication and potentially inappropriate medication for individuals age 65 and over [“Beers Criteria”].

Summarize client interest in new drug development, including newly marketed medication and clinical trial medications.

Communicate with patient’s primary care provider regarding patient’s medication regimen; recommendations on changing of doses, timing of administration, or drugs of choice, etc.; and reminders about potential drug-drug, drug-disease interactions.

Reconcile dietary supplements to avoid duplication, redundancy, overdose or under-dose of dietary supplements. This will simplify the use of dietary supplements and help patients have a simple, cost-effective, and safe supplement regimen.

Prescription medication misuse (addiction, physical dependence, adherence) consultation. This service will help your loved ones or yourselves to identify the problem of misuse prescriptions and getting back to right track of your life. More information please go to "Consultation Store".

Personalized dosing of your medication according to patients' disease conditions (renal or liver function), concomitant drugs, nutrition conditions, body weight and height, and genetics.

Helping you to switch to lower cost medications or discontinue prescription medication. We will work with your prescribing provider and have a plan to taper down dose, go to "Consultation Store".

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